Terms and Conditions

KCOM Affiliate Programme T&C’s

1.0 Terms Of the Agreement

All affiliates who apply to join and are accepted onto the KCOM affiliate programme agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions.

The term of this Agreement begins upon your acceptance into the Program and will end when your affiliate account is terminated.

The terms and conditions may be modified by us at any time, and continued participation in the Program constitutes as acceptance of any change. If any modification to the terms and conditions of this agreement are unacceptable to you, your only choice is to terminate your Affiliate account.

KCOM reserves the right to approve or reject ANY affiliate program application at our sole and absolute discretion. You will have no legal recourse against us for the rejection of your affiliate program application.

2.0 Affiliates Rejection or Acceptance

All affiliates which apply for the programme will be vetted prior to acceptance and any affiliate we feel will damage or misrepresent the KCOM brand will not be accepted.

Any affiliates with any doubt and that would like to ask if they will be accepted or would like to know the reason for being declined acceptance onto the programme, please contact the digital marketing team.

All affiliates which apply to the programme must be able to demonstrate strict geographical targeting capabilities based on the below geographical areas.

Geographical areas serviced by KCOM for Affiliate activity

Howden, Goole, Pocklington, Driffield, Nafferton, Market Weighton, Hornsea, Withernsea, Bridlington

3.0 Paid Per Click Policy (PPC)

Pay Per Click (PPC) bidding is not allowed without prior permission. If permission is granted affiliates must adhere to the following terms and conditions: -

  • Affiliates are obligated to negative – kcom, kc karoo and kingston communications on broad match within their PPC accounts.
  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid or appear on brand searches (e.g. Kingston Communications, kcom, kc and kcomhome.com).
  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid or appear on extended or hybrid brand searches (e.g. KCOM voucher codes and KCOM discounts).
  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid or appear on misspells or variations of brand searches (i.e. kc0m, Karue).
  • Affiliates are not permitted to use the KCOM brand term in any paid search activity, whether this is in the ad text, copy or display URLs.
  • Unless written permission has been given by KCOM, no affiliate is allowed to directly link to the KCOM website (kcomhome.com) from any PPC activity (including via re-directs).
  • Unless written permission has been given by KCOM, no affiliate is permitted to use branded URL’s to promote KCOM (e.g. www.kcombroadband.comwww.kcomfibre.co.uk).

4.0 Affiliate Links

Affiliates may use graphic and text links both on their website and within in their email messages.

Affiliates may ONLY use the graphics and text provided by us

5.0 Coupon and Deal Sites

KCOM occasionally offers coupons to select affiliates and for select customer type. If you’re not pre-approved / assigned a branded coupon, then you’re not allowed to promote the coupon. Below are the terms that apply for any affiliate who is considering the promotion of our products in relation to a deal or coupon:

  • Affiliates may not use misleading text on affiliate links, buttons or images to imply that anything besides currently authorized deals to the specific affiliate.
  • All relevant t&cs must be included when promoting a KCOM offer or coupon
  • Affiliates may not bid on KCOM Coupons, KCOM Discounts or other phrases implying coupons are available.
  • Affiliates may not generate pop-ups, pop-unders, iframes, frames, or any other seen or unseen actions that set affiliate cookies unless the user has expressed a clear and explicit interest in activating specific savings by clicking on a clearly marked link, button or image for that particular coupon or deal. Your link must send the visitor to the merchant site.
  • User must be able to see coupon/deal/savings information and details before an affiliate cookie is set (i.e. “click here to see coupons and open a window to merchant site” is NOT allowed).
  • Affiliate sites may not have “Click for (or to see) Deal/Coupon” or any variation when there are no coupons or deals available, and the click opens the merchant site or sets a cookie. Affiliates with such text on the merchant landing page will be removed from the program immediately.

6.0 Security Policy & Privacy Policy

  • Template designs from KCOM websites should not be copied for use on the affiliate’s website.
  • Affiliates must advise KCOM immediately if they become aware of any issues which may compromise the security of its website and content.
  • The affiliate should provide a clear Privacy Policy on their website detailing how customer data may be used, the use of cookies, etc.
  • Any data collected from customers which convert on one of the affiliates websites should not be sold to third parties.

7.0 Brand Guidelines

Please could affiliates kindly not hard code creative onto their websites. This will ensure we can keep the creative up to date and maintain a consistent message between your site and KCOM.

Affiliates are not permitted to lift copy, content or frame the KCOM website as this could cause issues with duplicate content. If affiliates are unable to write the unique copy themselves, please contact our digital marketing manager.

KCOM is actively using brand protection software and any affiliate contravening the above 3.0 PPC policy will be contacted to inform them of the contravention and risk being suspended or removed from the programme without notice, including having all commissions declined and/or reversed.


8.0 KCOM Orders

KCOM will be closely monitoring all IP addresses and referrer URLs of affiliates generating all conversions. Any affiliates suspected of unscrupulous or fraudulent activity will be contacted and risk having all commissions either declined, reversed or payment withheld.

9.0 Commission

For an Affiliate to receive a commission, the referred order must be tracked and de-duplicated against other marketing sources. KCOM’s affiliate tracking is based on a last-click basis.

There is also a limit of one commission per order. If a user clicks the link on your site and created multiple orders, then you will receive a commission on the first order only.

Commission is only valid on orders within the Geographical area serviced by KCOM as set out in 2.0.

Payments will only be sent for orders that have been successfully completed and the customers have paid their first monthly tariff. Orders that result in customer cancellation up to and including 14 days will not be paid out. Orders that are unable to be serviced by KCOM will not be paid out.