

Terms and Conditions

Applying to become a schuh Affiliate, you agree to the following:

  • Your website must be compatible with schuh and our values
  • Your website must be clear in promotional intent and content
  • You will not promote schuh in an inappropriate manner such as obscene or sexually explicit material, violent, discriminatory or abusive material, libellous, blasphemous or defamatory material 

Voucher Code Use

  • Affiliates are only permitted to publish codes that have been created for them through the interface or arranged with schuh
  • The advertiser reserves the right to decline any commissions where the transaction has been made with a non-authorised code
  • Affiliates found promoting unauthorised codes face immediate suspension from the program

Paid Search

Schuh runs its own PPC advertising campaigns. Please follow the following guidelines in relation to PPC traffic:

  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid on our brand name as a keyword within paid search activity e.g. schuh,, schuh uk 
  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid on misspellings and variations of the brand name as a keyword within paid search activity e.g. shuh, schuch
  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid on discount terms that include the brand name as a keyword within paid search activity e.g. schuh discount, schuh deals, schuh sale.
  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid on hybrid terms that contain our brand name, including misspellings and variations e.g. schuh trainers, schuh womens, schuh boots
  • Affiliates are not permitted to appear under search terms that contain our brand name. Please assign a negative broad match to all schuh brand terms including “schuh”, “”, “schuh shoes”
  • Affiliates are not permitted to direct link by using our official URL as the display URL within their ad copy
  • Affiliates are not permitted to use domains containing our brand name (including misspellings and variations) within our paid search activity
  • Affiliates are not permitted to use our brand name (including misspellings and variations) within the subfolders of their domains for paid search activity 
  • Affiliates are not permitted to use our brand name (including misspellings and variations) as a subdomain of their own domains for paid search activity
  • Brand bidding on schuh terms without explicit permission from schuh will result in declined commissions for the days of unauthorised activity and immediate suspension from the programme.

Google Comparison Shopping Services (CSS)

  • Publishers do not have permission to run CSS activity unless confirmation/approval has been provided directly from the schuh affiliate team. We are not accepting any further CSS publishers onto the affiliate program. 
  • CSS publishers are not permitted to bid on our brand name or any misspellings as a keyword within paid shopping activity e.g. schuh,, schuh uk.


  • Commissions will not be awarded if you are offering cashback or loyalty points to a customer who has also used a unique voucher or promotion code e.g. student discount, refer a friend discount, staff discount, loyalty discount, email discounts
  • Cashback and loyalty publishers will receive 3% for full price items and 2% for sale items. 
  • Cashback will be rejected for items purchased in the schuh imperfects/ex-display range.
  • Only orders deemed to be genuine customers will be approved, orders suspected to be from bulk buyers will be rejected pending approval.


  • Sub-Networks that are unable to identify the Publisher’s within their network responsible for breaches of T&Cs, or unable to provide transparency on traffic generation and sales channels will be suspended with pending transactions declined.

Completed transactions will see publisher commissions rejected in the following circumstances:

  • A publisher has actively promoted a coupon code that has exclusivity with another publisher 
  • A publisher has been brand bidding on schuh terms without the requisite permission from schuh
  • Item is from the imperfects/ex-display range
  • Any expired codes are processed after their expiry date
  • A discount code from the schuh Refer-A-Friend program has been redeemed 

schuh reserves the right to immediately reject any commission that it deems to be in breach of their affiliate programme policies.