Rodial US

Rodial US

Program Terms

General Terms

Please see specific terms relating to our affiliate relationship below. If you have any questions regarding the scope of the terms, please do not hesitate to contact us. Any affiliate that is found breaking our Terms and Conditions may have their commissions set to zero and risk being suspended from the programme.

Affiliate partnerships

We reserve the right to discontinue an affiliate partnership without notice at any time.

Use of voucher codes

You may only promote affiliate authorised voucher codes, these can be found on the ‘discount vouchers’ section on Affiliate Window.

It is not permitted for affiliates to promote codes that are not issued via the affiliate channel. Any affiliate found to be promoting a non authorised code on their site will have the relevant transaction declined.

Rodial reserve the right to decline any sales that have been tracked with an unauthorised voucher code whether this code was promoted on the site or not.

PPC advertising

Pay Per Click advertising on any search engine and on the display or search engine networks is prohibited. Any site found to be using Pay Per Click advertising will be removed from the affiliate programme.