

Terms and Conditions

Brand name

The brand name should be written as ‘Fiit’. Any variations such as ‘FIIT’ or ‘Fit’ or ‘’ are incorrect. 



Studio photography is at the heart of the brand. We use this photography most frequently when creating assets. We will provide publishers with the most recent imagery to use in their content. If publishers need photography or assets please reach out to /  



Do not try to manipulate the logo in any way. Our primary colour use is a white logo on a black background but we use a black logo on a white background when the format restricts.

Use on top of photography as long as the logo is clearly visible

Logo positioning is normally centralized or left aligned.

We don’t use hard rules so use a designer license to make a call on suitable positioning.

Leave a suitable amount of clearance space around the logo.


Premium imagery and a personal touch are key to all campaigns
Publishers shouldn’t feature Fiit alongside a competitor product
Fiit encourages creativity!