PPC Policy:
Affiliates are allowed to direct traffic directly to www.purelydiamonds.co.uk and use that URL as a display url.
Affiliates are NOT allowed to bid on keywords containing PurelyDiamonds, Purely Diamonds, www.purelydiamonds.co.uk, www.purelydiamonds.com or other Misspellings or variations.
Key PPC terms that affiliates are encouraged to use are:
Engagement Rings, Diamond Engagement Rings, Diamond Rings, Wedding Rings, Eternity Rings, Diamond Eternity Rings, Platinum eternity rings, Dress rings, Diamond earrings, Diamond pendants and variations
Discount Vouchers:
Please note as from March 2011 we do not partner with Voucher code affiliates. Please do not apply to join our programme if you are a Voucher code affiliate.
CashBack Websites:
Cashback cannot be given on any orders where Finance (Interest Free Credit) is used or where a discount code is used.