Lunt Solar Systems (US)

Lunt Solar Systems (US)

ID | 19602


Lunt Solar Systems provides the highest-quality telescopes and filter products for both astronomy professionals and amateurs. Our team of experts has been creating and testing our products for quality and safety for almost 20 years.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Welcome to The Lunt Solar System Affiliate Program.
Please read all our terms and conditions, we have kept them short and to the point.
Please do not promote on any website that is deemed as pornographic, promotes racism, hate speech, religious intolerance, homophobia, sexism or anything that could be considered as general intolerance towards others based on gender, race or religion.

You may not drop ship.
You may not email people who have not opted in to be emailed.
You may use your affiliate link to purchase for yourself, friends, and or family.


Effective May, 2024

Lunt Solar Systems may at times target specific products each month, with rotating coupon codes for these products.

Commissions will be only be paid on sales associated with these active promotions or coupons. Publishers are welcome to contact us directly for Publisher Exclusive codes and promotions targeting specific products. Commissions garnered without usage of a coupon code/ or affiliate specific code will not be payable and are subject to denial. 

  • (Commissions associated with Active promotions that do not require codes will be permitted. )
  • Affiliate sites may not have “Click for (or to see) Deal/Discount code” or any variation as such without specific notation of deal or coupon as specified by Lunt Solar Systems through AWIN Coupon Offerings or Promotions. ie. If an affiliate is found to be drawing customers to their website without active or valid pricing promotions, they will be suspended from the program and potentially removed from the program indefinitely.
  • If you do not have a specific affiliate code, please contact us directly.


Please be respectful of our customers and their interests. If an affiliate is found to be misleading customers on their website and/or promotional materials in order to falsely garner commission, they will be subject to immediate termination of the affiliate program. We welcome all inquiries and if you would like to target a specific Lunt Item, please contact us at your convenience.