VideoScribe (US)

VideoScribe (US)

Program Terms

All affiliates are required to adhere to IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau) and Sparkol* Ts & Cs. These may be subject to change but are included below for reference.

  • Affiliates must always promote VideoScribe** in a positive, relevant manner.

  • All affiliates who apply to the Sparkol affiliate program will be reviewed prior to a decision being reached. To maximize your chance of being accepted, clearly express your relevance and value to the Sparkol program in your application and only list the URL/URLs that you plan to feature VideoScribe on. Any approvals, apply only to the URLs provided at the time of application. You do not have permission to feature VideoScribe on any sites that are not listed in your original application.

  • If you wish to feature VideoScribe on other sites that you own, please contact the Affiliate Manager

  • Voucher codes cannot be used with cashback. Use of both will result in canceled sales. 

  • Affiliate sites must be complete and not under construction

We do not accept any affiliates in the following regions: Cuba, India, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, North Korea, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, and Russia. Any affiliates found to be driving sales to these regions will be removed from the program and commissions upheld.  

All regions are approved on a case-by-case basis and we encourage sites based in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and China to apply.

The following affiliate sites or behaviors are not permitted:

  • Under construction 

  • Contain adult content or are pornographic or sexually explicit.

  • Promote violence, war, discrimination, terrorism, drug use, harassment, or other illegal activities.

  • Use spyware or phishing techniques or are motivated by fraudulent and dishonest practices.

  • Adopt black hat web practices.

  • Work against the interest of Sparkol

  • Participate in fraudulent or illegal activities.

  • Affiliates are not allowed to promote Sparkol products on any Search Engines

Affiliates must not duplicate or reproduce lifestyle images or product content from the Sparkol or VideoScribe websites without prior written approval.

Any usage of the Sparkol or VideoScribe logos or creative must be approved in advance in writing.

*Sparkol is the name of the company you enter into an agreement with

**VideoScribe is the name of the product you’ll be promoting