All affiliates are required to adhere to Vintage Travel T&Cs.
Affiliates must always promote Vintage Travel in a positive and relevant manner.
The following affiliate sites or behaviours are not permitted on the programme:
• Under construction
• Contain adult content or are pornographic or sexually explicit
• Promote violence, discrimination, terrorism, drug use, harassment, or other illegal activities
• Use spyware or phishing techniques or are motivated by fraudulent and dishonest practices
• A competitor or rival company
• Participate in fraudulent activities
Please note – this programme operates with a 7 day closure notice period
PPC Terms
• It is strictly forbidden for any partners to bid on Vintage Travel trademarks, brand name(s), or any derivations/misspellings - with or without spaces, in any SEM campaigns.
• “Vintage Travel”, “Vintagetravel” and all variations thereof must be added as negative keywords in all PPC campaigns
• Vintagetravel” (or variations thereof) must not appear in any paid advertising as the display URL, nor can it appear in the main domain of any partner’s website
• Partners in breach of our terms may face the reversal of some (or all) pending pay-outs and other penalties – potentially including removal from the programme
Website Restrictions
• Partners are not permitted to use any mis-spell domains which could be confused with our own website or that of any of our industry partners
• Partners must not mask or cloak their URLs
• Embedding our website or content in an Iframe is strictly forbidden
Voucher Code Terms
Voucher Code Restrictions - Occasionally some discount codes are released exclusively, in which case they will not be shared in the discount code section. Unauthorized use of codes will result in declined commissions.
Voucher codes will be segmented into:
· 'Vintage Travel Owned' which are for own branded channels & loyalty only - commissions will be declined if an Affiliate is found using these codes
· 'Affiliate Owned' codes specifically for new customers & the Vintage Travel Affiliate Base - commissions will not be declined if an Affiliate is found using this code
Customers are not permitted to obtain cashback and use a voucher code. Consequently, all incentive and cashback publishers will have their commissions cancelled when a voucher code has been used.