Miller Harris

Miller Harris

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Miller Harris affiliate program, operated by AWIN. As with everything in business we have a set of Terms and Conditions that apply to the operation of the programme.

It may be necessary to vary the terms we operate under, Miller Harris will always aim to give a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for such changes which affect affiliates and this affiliate programme in the future.

Transaction Queries

All transaction queries MUST include the name of the products, the date and order number for which the query applies - without this information in the description transaction queries will not be processed.

Use of Domain Names

Affiliates cannot use any domain names that include the Miller Harris brand name or any miss spellings, or use of type characters around the Miller Harris words.

Use of Voucher Codes

Affiliates may only promote voucher codes that have been communicated through the Miller Harris affiliate programme (either directly or from the Affiliate Management Team).

Miller Harris reserve the right to withhold payment of commission if non-authorised voucher codes or promotions and may face suspension from the programme.

Commission will also be declined if voucher codes are used alongside cashback.

All Affiliate Websites must be intended for a U.K. audience

• Websites must be active/live during the application process

• Miller Harris reserve the right to decline websites that are not visually pleasing

• No adult pornography websites

• No religious websites

• No websites that accept tobacco company advertising, knife advertising or politically directed activity

• No websites that feature excessive pop-ups or pop-unders