Not On The High Street

Not On The High Street

Terms and Conditions

Please see the various tabs for programme T&Cs.

Voucher Codes

- Commission will not be paid on voucher or discount codes that haven't been authorised to be used in conjunction with the affiliate channel. 
- Consistent promotion on-site of unauthorised voucher codes will be deemed cause for suspension of a publisher without prior warning.


Brand Bidding
- We strictly prohibit publishers from bidding on our brand-related terms on search engines such as Google, Bing, or others, unless they have written permission from the Not On The High Street team to run ads on them. This applies whether the publisher is directly linking to our website or doing so through their own platform. The restricted terms include ‘NOTHS,’ ‘Notonthehighstreet,’ ‘Not On The High Street,’ and ‘Not In The High Street,’ at both exact and phrase match levels.

If a publisher is found to be violating this policy, we reserve the right to immediately suspend their account and/or decline any commissions earned through such activity.