1.1 Paid keywords ads that bid on the terms related to Milanoo (case-insensitive) are not allowed. Those forbidden paid terms are including but not limited to, Milanoo, MILANOO.COM, or www.MILANOO.com. Any variations or misspellings are also prohibited. If we found any TM infringement during your promotion, the commissions you have generated won't be paid and will be withdrawn.
1.2 TM (Milanoo) + coupon code is allowed for authorized publishers. While Milanoo or TM+any other keywords (like Milanoo review) are forbidden for sure.
1.3 Any advertising method which not drain to Milanoo sites (like wholesale,drop shipping) will be strictly prohibited.
1.4 If we found any TM/TM+ violation or malicious fraud , Commissions generated will not be paid. Milanoo will ask for compensation for serious consequence or losses caused by violation.
1.5 Any advertising method which may contain or involved with Popup / Clickunder, Adult, Incentive traffic will be strictly prohibited and no counting of leads and payment will be calculated for such method.
1.5 You are not allowed to direct link. You are not allowed to use the Milanoo.com display URL.
2.The Publishers are prohibited from using the following methods to promote the products or services of Milanoo:
2.1 PopUp / ClickUnder
2.2 Brand-Bidding
2.3 Incentive
2.4 Toolbar
2.5 Remarketing/retargeting
2.6 Public groups on behalf of Milanoo
3.The Publishers may use the following methods to promote the products or services of Milanoo:
3.1 Coupon Code/Deal Sites
3.2 Loyalty/Rewards/Cashback
3.3 Shopping
3.4 Price Comparison
3.5 Search
3.6 Service/Tool
3.7 Other