
Parts In Motion is a fast growing online only automotive parts retailer and we are inviting publishers to join our program and to join in our success in growing more than 100% each year for the past 5 years.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Landing Pages

All affiliate traffic to the Parts In Motion website must only result from users clicking on a mutually agreed link/banner. Overlays and masked URLs are NOT permitted.


Domain Name Restrictions

Affiliates must not register domain names which are similar/misleadingly similar to the Parts In Motion brand for example, a pseudo-Parts In Motion URL such as or sub-domain variants such as



Affiliates are not permitted to change, manipulate or add/remove any elements of the Parts In Motion logo at any time.


Email policy

Affiliates are not permitted to send any unsolicited marketing email directing traffic to the Parts In Motion website or relating to Parts In Motion related products. Such emails need to be mutually agreed on between affiliates and Parts In Motion prior to sending out.


Promotional material

Affiliates may not alter any of the creative material (such as banners) or text links provided by Parts In Motion via the Affiliate Window interface, without prior consent and approval.