Hyundai Power Equipment

Hyundai Power Equipment

Terms and Conditions

PPC Terms & Conditions

HYUNDAI POWER PRODUCTS (UK) run extensive PPC campaigns accross all products sold on Affiliates using Pay Per Click such as Google Adwords are requested not to bid on brand name terms or derivations or misspellings, nor are they allowed to use the trademark within their display URL in any PPC advertising.

You should not:

(a) use brand competitive keywords to promote our products.
(b) promote our products on ebay and amazon or any other auction/ online marketplace, you should be aware of content site advertising to ensure that this doesn't happen
(c) use overlays and masked URLs when clicking through

Email Campaigns

Please contact us with any promotional activities in this area. Affiliates are not permitted to send any unsolicited email ("spam") under this Affiliate programme.

Disputed Transactions

Affiliates must raise commission queries with the affiliate manager within fourteen days of the expected commission.