Kally Sleep

Kally Sleep

Terms and Conditions

Discounts & vouchers

  • Affiliates must only promote authorised voucher codes, either confirmed exclusively by our account manager or as stated in the 'My Offers' section in AWIN. 
  • Affiliates must only show the discount and/or voucher code once the start date has commenced together with the expiry date, full offer message and relevant Terms & Conditions.
  • Expired discounts and vouchers MUST be removed from your website upon the day of expiry.
  • Discounts and vouchers cannot be used on site in conjunction with any other discount code, voucher code or cashback.
  • If you're unsure which discounts and codes may be promoted, please reach out to: Justin@kallysleep.com

Validation of sales where a voucher code has been used

  • Kally Sleep uses AWIN's voucher code tracking, which allows individual codes used within a transaction to be listed next to each order number. 
  • Kally Sleep reserves the right to decline any sales that have been tracked with an unauthorised voucher code whether this code was promoted on the site or not.



  • PPC campaigns are not permitted without prior authorisation via our account manager.
    • Affiliates are prohibited from bidding on brand and voucher code terms. 
    • Brand terms, including misspells, include but are not limited to:

“Kally Sleep”

“Kally Sleep Pillow”

“Kally Sleep Body Pillow”

“Kally Sleep Baby Nest”

“Kally Sleep Pregnancy Pillow”



  • The use of the domain www.kallysleep.com and variations is strictly forbidden in any ad copy including display URL and the use of the term “official site” in your ad copy is forbidden.
  • Affiliates wishing to promote Kally Sleep through search engine marketing via a landing page should first contact our account manager. 

Domain restrictions

  • Affiliates are asked not to register domains which are similar or misspells of our brand, any activity of this kind on the campaign will result in commissions being declined and retrieval of the domain.


  • Affiliates are requested to use only creative available within their affiliate account in their promotion of Kally Sleep. Please contact our account manager for assets and additional sizes.


Breach of terms

  • Kally Sleep reserves the right to withhold commission payments to any affiliate found to be in breach of these terms.
  • Affiliates agree to action and remedy any request that brings them back in accordance with the Kally Sleep program terms in no less than 7 UK working days. Exceptions to this rule are at our account managers discretion.

Notice period

7 day closure notice period.