National Trust for Scotland

National Trust for Scotland

ID | 15472


We are closing our affiliate programme and will not be accepting any new partner requests.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days



How do you get paid?

The National Trust for Scotland pay their affiliates retrospectively based on validation date as opposed to transaction date (when a sale occurred). The affiliate team validate transactions at the end of each week. Affiliate Window then raise an invoice for National Trust for Scotland in keeping with the standard Affiliate Window Invoice & payment runs. These invoices are sent to the National Trust for Scotland finance team to approve. Once approved, Affiliate Window receives payment within 30 days of invoice. Affiliate Window will pay affiliates on either the 1st or 15th of the month depending on whether the affiliate is on monthly or twice monthly payment runs.


We pay commission on the total annual value of membership.


Affiliates shall not:

  1. Apply or bid in any search, referral or advertising service on any Restricted Names

  2. Apply or bid for any terms, words or phrases that are similar to any Restricted Names (including but not limited to possible misspellings, abbreviations, terms which are identical to Restricted Name but use the wrong case, or that merge Restricted Names with other words, terms or phrases);or

  3. Apply or bid for any terms, words or phrases that incorporate (wholly or partly) Restricted Names or those similar terms, words or phrases.


Restricted Names includes all National Trust for Scotland trademarks and brand terms including National Trust for Scotland, NTS, NTS membership, Scotland National Trust, National Trust of Scotland.


Any Affiliate found breaching the above may be removed from program and we reserve the right to not pay commission in such circumstances.

We reserve the right to amend the Restricted Names and/or the above policies from time to time.

Sites with the below content are not allowed:

Adult sites, gambling sites, sites which promote violence or unseemly behaviour.  Any sites not appropriate to our brand


The merchant will investigate disputed transactions within 30 days from submission.