YesStyle DE

YesStyle DE

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

YesStyle Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions 


Program Compliance

Affiliates must comply with this Agreement to participate in any of the YesStyle Affiliate Programs and receive fees. 

An Affiliate must accurately complete the application by providing YesStyle any information per request to verify the compliance with this Agreement. YesStyle will review the application and promptly inform the Affiliate of the acceptance or rejection. YesStyle may decline the application if the Affiliate’s Site is not ideal for the program for any reason which is in YesStyle’s sole discretion. If YesStyle rejects Affiliate’s application, Affiliate may submit an appeal to YesStyle or reapply to the Program at any time within one (1) calendar week from the date of rejection. 

If an Affiliate violates this Agreement and in addition to any other rights or remedies available to YesStyle, YesStyle reserves the right to permanently withhold any and all fees otherwise payable to the Affiliate under this Agreement, whether or not directly related to such violation without notice and without prejudice to any right of YesStyle to recover damages in excess of this amount. 


Duplicated Application Across YesStyle Affiliate Programs

One site can only apply and join one YesStyle Affiliate Program. YesStyle reserves the right to decline the application if Affiliates apply to multiple YesStyle Affiliate Programs with one site. 


Affiliate Identification

Affiliate must clearly state the participation in YesStyle Affiliate Program on the Site or any other location where YesStyle may authorize the Affiliate’s display or other use of Program Content. Except for this disclosure, an Affiliate will not make any public communication with respect to this Agreement or your participation in the Affiliate Program without YesStyle’s written permission. The Affiliate will not misrepresent or embellish the relationship between YesStyle and the Affiliate or express or imply any affiliation between YesStyle and the Affiliate or any other person or entity except as expressly permitted by this Agreement. 


PPC Policy (Pay per click advertisement)

YesStyle does not allow PPC brand / URL bidding on any search engine for keywords "yesstyle", "", "yestyle", "yes style" or any similarly spelt keyword variations including combinations. 

Affiliates are not allowed to promote on behalf of YesStyle on any platforms, such as Google Shopping or Google keyword search, using the YesStyle trademark or any misspellings or variations of it and drive traffic to any YesStyle-owned site with affiliate links. 

Please also refrain from using competitor terms to send traffic to any YesStyle-owned site. 

Failure to comply with this policy may result in suspension or removal of the Affiliate's publisher account from the YesStyle affiliate program(s). All pending commissions will also not be honoured.


Domain Name Policy

YesStyle also does not allow Affiliates who register and/or use top-level domain name (TLD) variations of "yesstyle". 

Please also refrain from registering similar domain names to YesStyle to send traffic to any YesStyle-owned site. 



YesStyle will pay the Affiliate the commission specified if YesStyle sells to a visitor to YesStyle-owned sites a product or service and if that customer accessed YesStyle-owned sites and purchased the product or service via a Qualifying Link. A Qualifying Link is a link from the Affiliate Site to YesStyle-owned site using one of the Required URLs or any other URLs provided by YesStyle for use in the Affiliate Program if it is the last link to YesStyle-owned site that the Customer uses during a session where a sale of a product to the Customer occurs. A Session is the period of time beginning with a Customer’s initial contact with YesStyle-owned site via a link from an Affiliate Site and terminating when the Customer either returns to YesStyle-owned site via a link from a site other than Affiliate Site or the Engagement expires or is terminated. 

Commissions will not include any refunds, chargebacks, bad debt, taxes, or shipping and handling costs. Except for any personalized commission rule mutually agreed by both YesStyle and the Affiliate, commission structure available on Affiliates’ user interface applies to all YesStyle’s Affiliates. 

Affiliates will not receive any commissions for purchases made on YesStyle-owned sites that are rejected by YesStyle for reasons including, without limitation, fraud, cancellation, or non-compliance with any reasonable requirements established by YesStyle as a condition of sale. 

Commissions will also not be granted on any orders including personalized or customized codes that do not belong to the affiliate oneself. Examples of personalized or customized codes are, and not limited to, Influencer Codes, Subscriber Codes, Exclusive Promotional Codes which are created exclusively for particular affiliates. IN THE EVENT OF REPETITIVE OCCURRENCES, WE MAY CONSIDER VOIDING ALL COMMISSIONS AND REMOVE THE AFFILIATE FROM THE PROGRAM. 


Wholesale Policy

YesStyle will not honour commissions from wholesale orders. A Wholesale Order is an order which YesStyle determines to be large in a quantity of the same or multiple product(s) which 

results in large total sale value. YesStyle reserves the right to make the final decision on voiding any wholesale orders. 

Transaction Queries

Only transaction queries submitted no later than 3 months since order date will be accepted and reviewed. Any submissions beyond the mentioned timeframe will be subsequently declined

Self-Referral Orders

Please refrain from buying from own affiliate links to increase commission earnings. All self-purchase orders will be voided prior notice and publishers will be suspended from the program with repeated self-purchase behaviour. 


Discrepancy Handling

In the case that the Affiliate is also tracking qualified orders and claims a discrepancy, the Affiliate must provide YesStyle with Affiliate’s report within 14 days after the 30th of the calendar month, and if the reported statistics of YesStyle and Affiliate vary by more than 10%, YesStyle could reasonably determine that the Affiliate has used generally accepted industry methods to track Qualified Orders, then YesStyle and Affiliate agree to make a good faith effort to arrive at a reconciliation. If the parties are unable to arrive at a reconciliation, then YesStyles numbers shall govern. 


Affiliate Network Campaigns

For all Affiliates who maintain their own Affiliate Networks, Affiliate agrees to place the Links in its Affiliate Network for the access and use by those Affiliates in Affiliate’s Network. The Affiliate agrees that it will expressly forbid any third party Affiliate to modify the links in any way. Affiliate agrees to maintain its Network according to the highest industry standards. All third-party Affiliates must be in good standing with the Affiliate. Affiliate must require and confirm that all third party Affiliates affirmatively accept, through verifiable means, this Agreement prior to obtaining access to the Links. Affiliate shall promptly terminate any third party Affiliate who takes or could reasonably be expected to take, any action that violates the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 


Affiliate Responsibilities

All Affiliates are banned to partake in any of the following online marketing activities: Torrent sites, Streaming sites, Adult sites, websites promoting abusive, erotic, extremist, radical political content, sites with content unsuitable for adolescents, Links on other websites, pop-unders or pop-ups, cookie dropping. 

All Affiliates are forbidden from using any persons, method, devices, or arrangements to commit fraud, violate any applicable laws, interfere with other affiliates, or falsify information in connection with referrals through Affiliate Links or the generation of Commissions or any actions exceeding your access to the Affiliate Program. Examples of such acts include, but not limited to, spyware usage, stealware usage, cookie-stuffing, and other deceptive acts or click-fraud. YesStyle holds the right to make all decisions regarding fraudulent activity in its sole 

discretion, including withholding all commissions payable to the Affiliate and permanent removal from the Program. 


Program Terms and Conditions Amendments

YesStyle reserves the right to modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement at any time and in YesStyle’s sole discretion by posting a change notice, revised Agreement, or revised Program Policy by sending notice of such modification to Affiliates by email to the primary email address that is currently associated with the Affiliate’s publisher account. The effective date of such amendments will be the date specified, which will be no less than seven (7) calendar days from the date of notice. 


Additional Provisions

In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Affiliate’s Agreement with a YesStyle Affiliate under a separate marketing program that Agreement will control with respect to such separate programs. This Agreement (including the Program Policies) is the entire Agreement between Affiliate and YesStyle regarding the YesStyle Affiliate Program and supersedes all prior Agreements and discussions. 

The Affiliate and YesStyle are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between Affiliate and YesStyle or YesStyle’s respective affiliates. The Affiliate will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on YesStyle or YesStyle Affiliates’ behalf. If the Affiliate authorizes, encourages, or facilitates another person or entity to take any action related to the subject matter of this Agreement, the Affiliate will be deemed to have taken the action on his/her own. 


Fair Use of YesStyle Content Policy

As an Affiliate member of YesStyle, Affiliate agrees to abide by the Fair Use of YesStyle Content policy, as defined below. Failure to comply with this policy may result in suspension or removal of Affiliate’s Publisher account from the YesStyle Affiliate Program. 


******* Definition: Fair Use of 'YesStyle Content'

Fair Use of 'YesStyle Content', as well as actions not considered of Fair Use, are defined in the following points below: 

1. 'YesStyle Content' can be used and displayed in Affiliate Site in such a way that does not seem to resemble or "copy" its exact page equivalent on any YesStyle-owned Site. For example, an Affiliate page cannot take a whole page from any YesStyle-owned Site and copy it exactly on the Affiliate Site. 

2. All Affiliates are only allowed to use images taken directly from the data feed retrieved from the affiliate network. Affiliates wishing to use images outside from the data feed, such as images on any YesStyle-owned Site, should seek prior approval from YesStyle. Affiliates are also not allowed to edit any YesStyle-provided images in such a way that would cause misinterpretations about ownership of images. 

3. 'YesStyle Content' can be used and displayed in Affiliate Sites in such a way that would not cause any large amount of bandwidth or traffic demand from any YesStyle-owned Site. For example, a typical Affiliate page promoting one YesStyle product will display 1 to 10 'YesStyle Content' images of that product, and anything above 10 is not considered fair use unless deemed appropriate by YesStyle. A typical Affiliate page promoting a list of YesStyle products will display a maximum of 100 images, and anything above 100 is not considered fair use unless deemed appropriate by YesStyle. 

4. Affiliate pages that use any kind of auto-refresh or auto-rotate which causes a page or a part of a page display less than the maximum number of images at a time, but because of the rotating or auto-refresh function would more than the maximum number of images, is not considered fair use. 

5. Any activities such as automated pre-downloading and crawling of 'YesStyle Content' (or any server-to-server activity that is not considered a typical Internet consumer browsing activity) that will cause any large amount of bandwidth or traffic demand from any YesStyle-owned Site is not considered fair use. 

6. 'YesStyle Content' Meta Values cannot be used on any Affiliate page in the exact same way that it was used on any YesStyle-owned Site page. 

YesStyle reserves all the rights to modify this policy at any time and will inform its Affiliates whenever any changes are made. 


******* Definition: 'YesStyle Content'

'YesStyle Content' refers to the information (text, images, videos, and Meta Content) found on pages of any YesStyle-owned Site. 

'YesStyle Content' also refers to the data feeds, scripts, videos, and images (including image banners and image logos) found on all YesStyle’s Affiliate Programs. 


Data Feeds

Data feeds refer to a set of Excel, CSV or XML files hosted on YesStyle's Affiliate Program partners’ websites that contain a list of product information for the products available at A product's name, price, image URL location, and other related information are stored in these data feeds. 


Meta Values 

Meta Values refer to content that may not be obviously visible to a user viewing a website’s page. The following are defined as Meta Values: 

1. Page Title - This is the text that appears on the topmost part of the browser. When the page source is viewed by invoking a browser command such as "View Page Source" (or any similar commands or methods exposing the code to the user), an HTML tag containing "title" would have values. These values cannot be duplicated on an Affiliate page. 

2. Meta Keywords - These are the keywords that are embedded on the page. When the page source is viewed by invoking a browser command such as "View Page Source" (or any similar commands or methods exposing the code to the user), an HTML tag containing "keywords" would have values. These values cannot be duplicated on an Affiliate page. 

3. Meta Description - This is a phrase or a collection of words that are embedded in the page. When the page source is viewed by invoking a browser command such as "View Page Source" (or any similar commands or methods exposing the code to the user), an HTML tag containing "description" would have values. These values cannot be duplicated on an Affiliate page.