La Redoute UK

La Redoute UK

Terms and Conditions

Current Voucher Codes

You may only promote affiliate authorised voucher codes, these can be found on the ‘discount vouchers’ section on Affiliate Window.  All offers must be published with the relevant terms and conditions and/or a link to the terms and conditions page where appliacable (  

Promoting Voucher Codes

It is not permitted for affiliates to promote codes that are not issued via the affiliate channel. Any affiliate found to be promoting a non authorised code on their site will have the relevant transaction declined and subsequent payments will be witheld until the code is removed from the affiliates site to include 'community' forums run by affiliates.    Codes must be taken down from the affiliates website on date of expiry.

Affiliates are prohibited from tagging the La Redoute Facebook page in their own Facebook posts.

Promotional Copy

To help you promote La Redoute there is suggested copy with which affiliates are able to use below:

'This exclusive Order Code entitles you to £XX% OFF your (first) order (of just £XX/X items) with La Redoute. All you have to do now is visit (or click on the link below) and choose from unique in-house designs and versatile wardrobe essentials which you won't find anywhere else. For French fashion with la différence, look no further. Simply enter your special Order Code at the checkout to make a massive saving, then sit back and relax as everything is delivered direct to your door.'

Validations of sales where a voucher code has been used

In order to help monitor affiliate use of voucher codes, La Redoute have now implemented Affiliate Window’s voucher code tracking. This allows individual codes used within a transaction to be listed next to each order number.

La Redoute reserve the right to decline any sales that have been tracked with an unauthorised voucher code whether this code was promoted on the site or not.

What will you need to do?

Any affiliates promoting voucher codes must make sure they are displaying only the two codes listed above as any other codes used in transactions may result in declined sales.

Affiliates who operate without promoting voucher codes should take steps to ensure unauthorised voucher code use through their links is discouraged. For example, we strongly recommend that reward sites add terms and conditions similar to:

If members wish to use a voucher code in their purchase from La Redoute, please only use authorised codes as stated on this site. Rewards cannot and will not be redeemed against unauthorised codes.

Terms and Conditions

All commissions offered are on UK sales and deliveries only.

PPC Activity:


Affiliates are required to refrain from registering or bidding on our brand terms, or misspellings, on all search engine or like services. These terms include, but are not limited to:
"La Redoute"
“Discover la difference”
“La difference”
“French Style Made Easy”
"Le style Francais"


Bidding on generic product related terms is allowed.

Affiliates are asked to include brand and misspelling terms as negative keywords in all of their search engine marketing campaigns. This includes but is not limited to:

- la redoute
- la redout


Affiliates may not use any domain owned by La Redoute for PPC linking without express written permission. This includes but is not limited to and You can see the full list here:

Affiliates wishing to promote La Redoute through search engine marketing via a landing page should first contact the account management team to discuss this. PPC affiliates applying to the La Redoute programme without first discussing their promotion may find that their application is declined.

Affiliates are asked not to register domains which are similar or misspellings of La Redoute's brand. Any activity of this kind on the campaign will result in commissions being declined.

Affiliates may not put the La Redoute website into frames or use masked URLs.


Any promotional and incentive offers and codes must be authorised through Affiliate Window. Use of unauthorised codes will result in non-payment of commission. Affiliate Window will be closely monitoring all voucher codes used in affiliate sales.

Affiliates found promoting unauthorised codes face immediate suspension from the programme. If you are unsure about which voucher codes you may promote please email


Affiliates may not alter any of the creative or text links available through the Affiliate Window interface.

Affiliates are also requested not to hardcode banners into their sites, so updates made to those available through Affiliate Window may take immediate effect.

In applying for the La Redoute programme you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions.

Anyone found infringing on these terms will be immediately warned and may have commissions reversed. We reserve the right to withhold commission during this time. Reactivation of your account will be decided on a case by case basis.