Please can ALL affiliates add the keywords mattressman and mattress man as negative keywords. Any affiliate who appears for the keywords mattressman and mattress man WILL have commission declined and maybe removed from the programme.
Please note that commissions may be declined for any commissions claimed where the publisher is not the last referrer / marketing source and the purchase has been sourced via Mattressman's own Google PPC ads.
No commission will be given for DMG Clearance Products.
Emma mattresses are excluded from our affiliate programme and commission will not be provided for sales of Emma mattresses.
We only approve voucher codes that have been advertised on our website unless otherwise agreed. Unique Voucher Codes given in basket abandonment emails, social media, price matching or as a gesture of goodwill elsewhere wouldn't be approved.
Please note that affiliates may only use voucher codes that are available through the Mattressman affiliate programme, or those that have been issued directly by Affiliate Window. Where an affiliate is found promoting a code that Affiliate Window has not issued, we reserve the right to decline commissions. Continued use of unauthorised codes will result in programme suspension.
Garden Furniture transactions are not applicable and will not be approved for cashback, search, directory, ad and voucher affiliate programmes unless an agreement as been confirmed with the publisher.