Tiqets UK

Tiqets UK

Terms and Conditions

Tiqets terms and conditions

Discount codes

It is not allowed to publish discount codes (or suggest that they are on offer) without the explicit approval of Tiqets. Offering discount codes without permission can cause Tiqets to remove the affiliate from the campaign.

Sales generated by sites using a discount code without permission will be cancelled. Discount codes are only valid when Tiqets provides the codes directly to the affiliate in question. These codes are only available on request.

Affiliates are not allowed to advertise using the following keywords or variations of them. These keywords need to be added as negative keywords in the campaign:

  • Discount Tiqets
  • Promotion Tiqets
  • Discount code Tiqets
  • Voucher Tiqets
  • Voucher code Tiqets
  • Promotion code Tiqets
  • Tiqets discount
  • Tiqets promotion
  • Tiqets discount code
  • Tiqets voucher
  • Tiqets voucher code
  • Tiqets promotion code


E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing is only allowed after explicit approval by the advertiser of the specific mailings. You can send previews to lbelfiore@tiqets.com in order to get mails approved.