Mappin & Webb

Mappin & Webb

Terms and Conditions

Google Shopping
Use of Google Shopping is not allowed as we already run product feeds into the Affiliate Network.

Voucher code usage
All offers/discount codes available through voucher code or other sites are to be pre-authorised by Mappin & Webb. If a site is found to be promoting a discount code which has not been issued to them Mappin & Webb reserve the right to cancel any commission for that period and at our discretion also reserve the right to remove the affiliate from the programme.


Cashback Payments
All 'Online Price' items will also be tracked the same as 'Sale' items, as they are classed as discount and therefore, if for any reason the commission is tracked at a different rate, this will be manually amended to the correct commission level.

Commission will not be paid on purchases made through Insurance Cards or Gift Cards. Therefore all transactions made through these payments will be cancelled.

Although commissions will also not be paid on purchases made through the ''Interest Free Credit" scheme, this is opened to consideration. For further information, please get in touch with the Affiliate Account Manager.


Affiliate Toolbars
Affiliates may not feature Mappin & Webb on toolbars without written permission from Mappin & Webb or their Affiliate Window Account Manager specifically authorising this promotional method. Acceptance as a member of the Mappin & Webb programme does not automatically authorise toolbar traffic.

Ad Text for the Promotion of Mappin & Webb
Due to the exclusivity of the brands stocked, Mappin & Webb does not operate in the cut price or discount market place. As such, any misleading adword text offering or promoting specific discount amounts i.e. 20%, 30%, 40% off etc is forbidden, Mappin & Webb reserve the right to cancel any commission for that period and at our discretion also reserve the right to removed the affiliate from the programme.

Adware / Spyware
The use of adware and spyware is strictly forbidden.