Britt's Superfoods

Britt's Superfoods

Terms and Conditions

Affiliate Requirements

All affiliate partners are required to adhere to Britt's Superfoods terms and conditions. These may be subject to change.

  • All affiliates who apply to the Britt's Superfoods affiliate program will be reviewed before a decision is reached;
  • Affiliates must always act in the interest of Britt's Superfoods and promote them in a positive manner which is relevant to the products;
  • To improve chances of being approved to the programme, affiliates should clearly show relevance to the Britt's Superfoods programme and only list the URL or URLs that Britt's Superfoods will be featured on;
  • Affiliates should not feature Britt's Superfoods on any URLs which are not originally listed with their application.
  • The following sites and behaviours are not permitted by Britt's Superfood's affiliates: Fraudulent activity; Black hat web practices; Promotion of violence, terrorism, drug use, discrimination or any other illegal activities; Spyware/phishing techniques; Not working in the interest of Britt's Superfoods

All commissions will be validated on a monthly basis and Britt's Superfoods reserves the right to decline commission on all returned goods.


When referencing Britt's Superfoods, please ensure that you are using the most up to date logo. If you need different sizes please get in touch.

PPC Policy
We do not allow and PPC activities on our program, any affiliate caught running any PPC activities are liable to be suspended from our program.

Email Policy
You are not permitted to send any unsolicited email (“spam”) under this affiliate programme. This is extended to include all forms of spam including blog comment spamming.

Voucher Codes
Any affiliate wishing to promote using voucher codes, must be provided them through the Britt's Superfoods affiliate programme. Affiliates should not change or alter any of the provided creative or text links which will be provided through the Britt's Superfoods affiliate interface without prior authorisation from the program manager.