Healthy Bud (US)

Healthy Bud (US)

Program Terms

As an affiliate for Healthybud, you are required to use FTC disclosures whenever you post an affiliate link. You can find more information about FTC disclosures at, and influencer guidelines at program terms.

TM+ Policy: Please note that affiliate must not bid on our trademark such as by using the terms: Healthybud or any other variant including our trademark on any PPC engine such as Google AdWords. Any affiliate found bidding on our trademark will be suspended without notice and no commission earned will be validated. Also, any affiliate setting the target their PPC ads to will be suspended without notice and no commission earned will be validated.

Coupon Code Policy: Please note that affiliates may only use Coupon codes that are available through Healthybud affiliate program, or those that have been issued directly by Gen3 Marketing or Awin. Where an affiliate is found promoting a code that has not been issued by Gen3 Marketing or Awin we reserve the right to decline commissions. Continued use of unauthorized codes will result in program suspension.