River Island UK & IE

River Island UK & IE

Terms and Conditions

Voucher Codes

It's against River Island's programme terms to use a voucher code that hasn't been supplied directly by the Awin x River Island affiliate team. River Island have the right to cancel commissions if voucher codes are used that are available to the public already, including on another publishers website or River Island brand email. 



All commissions will be validated on a 46 day period and River Island reserve the right to decline commission on all returned goods.



River Island will not pay commission to affiliates carrying out any unauthorised brand bidding for the duration the bidding takes place. CSS affiliates are only allowed with written permission of River Island.



River Island will consider working with toolbar publishers who can track performance of the toolbar separately to other activity and allow River Island control of any promotions featured on toolbars.



River Island will only work with subnetworks who are transparent about their traffic sources in real time. If requested, subnetworks agree to provide River Island with a breakdown of publishers generating activity. Subnetworks must also not have any other subnetworks working in their remits.



Please ensure you are also using the most up to date logo which is used on the network profile - please get in touch if you need different sizes.


Please reach out to katherine.tyrrell@awin.com if you need any further clarification on the above points.